The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting, via Zoom, opened at 7:00 PM. Present were: Ron Ragan, Chairman; Mary Anne Steel, Vice Chairman; and Members, Martha Straus, and Charlie Humkey. Member Lynn Klingensmith was not present. The Minutes were recorded by Maureen Zdun.
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
A Motion was made by Martha Straus, seconded by Charlie Humkey, to approve the August 12, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes. The vote was unanimous.
Sue C. Wollard Final Minor Subdivision Plan
Ken Crossan of Crossan Raimato, Inc. presented the Sue C. Wollard Final Minor Subdivision Plan dated July 28, 2020. Mr. Crossan explained that the applicant proposes the reconfiguration of two (2) lots. Approximately 8.0061 acres will be subdivided from the St. John parcel and added to the Worrell parcel. There was some discussion about the common driveway with in the Township right of way. It was agreed that the Township should not be obligated to improve or maintain the existing driveway and that a note should be added to the Plan.
A Motion was made by Martha Straus, seconded by Charlie Humkey, to recommend to the Board of Supervisors to approve the Sue C. Wollard Final Minor Subdivision Plan, prepared by Crossan Raimato, Inc. dated July 28, 2020 on condition with a note being added to the Plan to clarify what happens with the driveway and that the Township is not obligated to improve or maintain the existing driveway. The vote was unanimous.
New London Township Park
Martha Straus reported that the picnic benches were moved toward the back of the pavilion. It was mentioned that an operation and maintenance manual will need to be drafted. Planning Commission Secretary, Maureen Zdun, will inquire with Franklin Township to see if they have a park operation and maintenance manual we could look at as a sample.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.