March 21, 2012
The New London Township Board of Supervisors Meeting convened at 7:30 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA. The following Supervisors were present: Chairman, Dale Lauver; Vice Chairman, Bob Barto; Member, Gerard Porter.
No public comment on agenda items.
Brandywine Conservancy – Wes Horner
Mr. Horner gave a presentation of the Chesapeake Bay and Stormwater Project. New London was asked to be a “case study” municipality for this project.
On a motion made by Dale Lauver, seconded by Bob Barto, New London Township will be a “case study” municipality for the Chesapeake Bay and Stormwater Project. The vote was unanimous.
Home Occupation Permit – Cindy Carey
On a motion made by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerry Porter, Ms. Carey’s No Impact Home Occupation Permit was approved. The vote was unanimous.
Henry McKinney Subdivision – Extension
On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, an extension of time was granted until June 20, 2012 to the Subdivision Plan dated November 17, 2011 and revised January 17, 2012. The vote was unanimous.
Resolution No. 2012-3-1 – Prevailing Wage Regulations
On a motion made by Dale Lauver, seconded by Bob Barto, Resolution No. 2012-3-1 was approved. The vote was unanimous.
Resolution No. 2012-3-2 – Stanwell Property Acquisition
On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, Resolution No. 2012-3-2 was approved. The vote was unanimous.
Regular Meeting Minutes
On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver, the February 15, 2012 Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes were approved. Bob Barto abstained as he was not present at the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Trish Fagan