The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:00 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA.  The following Supervisors were present:  Gerry Porter, Chairman; Dale Lauver, Vice Chairman; and Mary Anne Steel, Supervisor.


No public comment on agenda items.

2024 Draft Budget

It was agreed to review the draft budget at the Board of Supervisor’s Work Meeting on

October 18, 2023.

Chad Lester Subdivision

A motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver, to approve the Chad Lester Final Subdivision Plan but to defer the Board of Supervisor’s signatures until the applicant has signed the plans.  The vote was unanimous.

Chicken Ordinance

There was some discussion regarding changes to the draft Chicken Ordinance.  It was agreed that the Planning Commission will make the changes.

Foreign Fire Insurance

A motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver, to transfer the Foreign Fire Insurance funds to the West Grove Fire Company.  The vote was unanimous.

PLGIT Mobile Check Deposit Agreement

There was some discussion regarding the Agreement.  It was agreed to purchase a tablet to be used for the mobile deposit app.  Township Secretary Treasurer, Maureen Zdun, will look in to purchasing the tablet.

A motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to sign the PLGIT Electronic Deposit Service Agreement.  The vote was unanimous.

300 th Anniversary – Holiday Tree

There was some discussion regarding how to celebrate the Township’s 300 th Anniversary.  It was agreed to have a holiday tree lighting celebration at the New London Township Park.  A committee will be formed to discuss further planning.

A motion was made by Mary Anne Steel, seconded by Gerry Porter, to approve the plans for the 300 th Anniversary Holiday Tree celebration.  The vote was unanimous.



Regular Meeting Minutes

Motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver, to approve the September 7,  2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes.  The vote was unanimous.

Treasurer’s Report

A motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver, to approve the October 2023 bills for payment and financial reports were accepted.  The vote was unanimous.


Engineer’s Report

MS4 – Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, filed the report on September 29, 2023.  He will forward a copy to the Board of Supervisors.

Pennock Bridge Road Bridge – Ron Ragan sent the signed Highway Transfer Project Agreement to PennDOT and we have not heard from them.

Kirk Property – The survey of the property is being delayed until mowing is completed.

Planning Commission

Ron Ragan, Chairman of the Township Planning Commission advised they are reviewing the Bushnell Lytle Final Subdivision Plan.  Ordinance work continues.  Charlie Humkey is formatting the Ordinances.  Township Zoning Officer, Michael Corcoran, is reviewing the Ordinances.

Emergency Management

Emergency Management Coordinator, Dave Flad, suggested that we post an article on the Township website about the proper use of portable generators.

AGREM will have their next meeting on October 12, 2023.

Building and Property Report

Dale Lauver advised that Tom Altman has serviced the air conditioning and heating units at all Township properties.

Gerry Porter advised that some of the trees on the Kirk Property had fallen.  DiNenno Tree Company was hired to remove the damaged trees.

Road Master Report

Township Road Master, Gerry Porter, advised that all paving for this year is completed.  The street line painting company will be coming soon to paint the street lines.

Zoning Report

Township Secretary, Maureen Zdun, reported there were twelve (12) building permits issued in September.   There were no single family dwelling building permits issued.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Zdun