The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 6:00 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA. The following Supervisors were present: Mary Anne Steel, Chairperson and Dale Yates, Supervisor. Dale Lauver, Vice Chairman was not present.
Chairperson Mary Anne Steel, announced that there would be an executive session after tonight’s meeting regarding personnel issues.
No public comment on agenda items.
Brady Reisinger Eagle Scout Project
Brady Reisinger advised that he completed his Eagle Scout Project. He gave an over view of the project. The Board of Supervisors commended Brady on a great job. The Board of Supervisors signed off on the project.
Wheatland Farms Village Force Main
Chairperson, Mary Anne Steel announced that the Agreement has been signed. It was agreed to have Spence Andress of Government Specialists, Inc. initially meet with the DEP to obtain the task activity report to prepare the Act 537 Plan. Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, said he would like to attend the meeting with Spence Andress.
A motion was made by Mary Anne Steel, seconded by Dale Yates, to have the Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, attend the DEP meeting with Spence Andress to come up with a plan of action for the Act 537 Plan. The vote was unanimous.
Ordinance Amendment Approval
A motion was made by Dale Yates, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to send the amended Compilation of Land Use Ordinances of New London Township Chapter 1 Zoning, Chapter 4 Definitions, and the amended Zoning Map to the Chester County Planning Commission to review for Act 247. The vote was unanimous.
Property Maintenance Bid
A motion was made by Mary Anne Steel, seconded by Dale Yates, to accept the bid from
Yard Clippers, Inc. for the Township Property Maintenance. The vote was unanimous.
Road Maintenance Bid
A motion was made by Mary Anne Steel, seconded by Dale Yates to accept the bid from
Harlan Construction for the Township Road Maintenance work. The vote was unanimous.
Special Meeting Minutes Wheatland Farms Village Force Main
Motion was made by Dale Yates, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to approve the July 15, 2024 Special Meeting Minutes. The vote was unanimous.
Regular Meeting Minutes
Motion was made by Dale Yates, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to approve the August 6, 2024 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting Minutes. The vote was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report
Motion was made by Dale Yates, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to approve the September 2024 bills for payment and financial reports were accepted. The vote was unanimous.
Engineering Report
Pennock Bridge Road Bridge – Ron Ragan, Township Engineer, explained there are many permits needed before construction can begin on the bridge. The Board of Supervisors authorized Ron to hire a surveyor to get the process started.
Ron Ragan, Township Engineer, gave an over view of the TMDL Plan.
Motion was made by Mary Anne Steel, seconded by Dale Yates, to approve to advertise the TMDL Plan for MS4. The vote was unanimous.
Planning Commission
Ron Ragan, Chairman of the Township Planning Commission, advised that work was finished on the Ordinance amendments that the Board of Supervisors approved tonight to send to the Chester County Planning Commission. They also reviewed the Anthony Borreggine Land Development Plan.
Road Master Report
Gerry Porter, the Township Road Master reported the following:
Galloping Hill Road and School Road were paved. Hess Mill Road was widened and paved.
Kings Row Road – The guide rail was repaired.
Pawtucket Lane – The remainder of the storm water pipe has failed. It looks like two hundred (200) feet of pipe will need to be replaced from the man hole cover to the retention pond.
Emergency Management
The Township Emergency Management Coordinator, Dave Flad, gave an over view of the EMC quarterly meeting. The County is working on a new mitigation plan. PECO sent out tree work mailers to certain Township residents. Chester Water Authority is currently performing hydrant flushing.
Zoning Report
Township Secretary, Maureen Zdun, reported there were seven (7) building permits issued in August. There were no single family dwelling permits issued. There were no Use and Occupancy permits issued.
Tree Maintenance Bid
Township Secretary, Maureen Zdun, advised the Board of Supervisors that the Township did not receive any Tree Maintenance Bids. The Board of Supervisors requested that the Tree Maintenance Bid be advertised for a second time.
Medic 94
Gerry Porter reported that they may be in their new building by the end of October.
Summer Hours
Township Secretary, Maureen Zdun, reported Summer hours are over and the Township will resume the normal Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM hours.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Zdun