- Call Meeting To Order.
2. Public Comment on Agenda Items.
3. Administrative Actions / Presentations.
a. 203 Porter Road.
b. Web Site Up Date Quote.
4. Old / Recurring Business.
a. Official Reports – Approve / Authorize.
1. Secretary’s Report: Meeting Minutes – January 3, 2022.
2. Treasurer’s Report: Bills To Be Paid – February 2022.
Financial Reports – January 2022.
b. Staff Reports.
1. Planning Commission – Ron Ragan.
2. Township Engineer – Ron Ragan.
3. Zoning Officer – Trish Fagan.
4. Emergency Management – Dave Flad.
5. Property And Building Use Committee – Dale Lauver.
5. Old / New Business.
6. Announcements And Reminders.
7. Adjourn Meeting.