The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:00 PM. Present were:Ronald Ragan, Chair; Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Members Bob Barto and Charlie Humkey.The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.
Mr. Ragan opened the floor for Reorganization.Mr. Humkey motioned to nominate Mr. Ragan as Chairman and Mr. Barto seconded the motion.Mr. Humkey nominated Ms. Steel as Vice-Chairman, and Mr. Barto seconded the motion.The vote was unanimous.
Mr. Ragan proposed a motion to keep the meeting days and times the same for 2011 (Regular Meeting-2nd Wednesday, Workshop Meeting-last Thursday of each month at 7:00).Also proposed was: no work meetings in the months of November or December 2011.Mr. Barto motioned to approve the foregoing days/times and Ms. Steel seconded the Motion.The vote was unanimous.
Mr. Ragan asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes for 12/8/10.Ms. Steel made a motion to approve the Minutes and Mr. Humkey seconded the motion.The vote was unanimous.
Public Comment
Old Business
Matt Yates – Final Subdivision Plan
Ed Jefferis from Concord Land Planners was in attendance.Mr. Ragan asked if Mr. Jefferis surveyed the line of sight coming out of the driveway and Mr. Jefferis reported that he did not, but he will stake & survey next week.
Cook Brothers
Mr. Ragan distributed Ragan Engineering’s review letter and the plans were reviewed along with the letter.Mr. Ragan advised he needs some calculations to show the 15% landscaping (so many parking spaces, then landscaping island, etc.)Ed Jefferis advised that he can’t find the schematic for the illumination plan.Mr. Ragan advised that the PC would grant the 7 waivers requested and would recommend conditional approval to the Board of Supervisors.The applicant needs to get ADA compliance evidence to Kyle Bendler, NLT Building Inspector.Also, all the conditions of the Conditional Use Decision dated 7/3/03 have been noted; applicant just needs a note on the plan that all conditions have been adhered to. Mr. Ragan advised that he would recommend approval conditioned on all open items listed on Ragan Engineering’s 1/12/11 Review Letter.Ms. Steel made a motion as stated above and Mr. Barto seconded the Motion.
Stanwell Tract – New LondonTownshipParkland
Mr. Ragan advised that the Township needs to move forward on the appraisal of the Stanwell Tract.There was brief discussion regarding appraisal costs and appraising the lots individually or together.Mr. Ragan advised that the Grant Coordinator wants to visit and get into the building and that he would talk with Mr. Stanwell to coordinate appointment.David Sweet talked to the State’s Grant representative and he is not overly optimistic, but there’s still a possibility of obtaining some State grant money to purchase the property.
New Business
There was discussion regarding the need for new Planning Commission Members.Mr. Ragan asked Mr. Barto how to proceed and it was decided that the Planning Commission should interview prospective candidates and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors.Names of interested people were discussed. Mr. Ragan advised he will come into the Township office to put together an invite letter to get people in for interviews.
Comprehensive Plan Task Force
Mr. Ragan handed out task force materials.
On a motion made by Ms. Steel and seconded by Mr. Barto and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.