Planning Commission Meeting April 9, 2014

The New London Township Planning Regular opened at 7:05 PM. Present were: Ronald Ragan, Chair; Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Members; Bob Barto, Martha Straus and Charlie Humkey. The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.

Mr. Ragan asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes for 2/12/14. Bob Barto made a motion to approve the Minutes as written and Mr. Humkey seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

Public Comment

Old Business

Park Planning
Ms. Straus presented a map and advised that the scale is 1”= 50’ and that it is a “workable scale”. Ms. Straus prepared templates for the pond, play structure, basketball court, 2 porta-potty unit, 40’ diameter gazebo, 20 space parking lot, 30’ X 60’ polygon structure for amphitheater and sand volleyball court. She advised that enhancement of the existing ball field is all that’s really feasible because there’s not enough space for a new one. Mr. Humkey asked if there was a possibility of allowing residents to park in the utility building lot, but Mr. Ragan advised that the Township’s preference is to keep people out of that parking lot. Mr. Ragan talked about gardens and an amphitheater, and there was discussion about the amphitheater being situated in the low spot with seating up and around it. There was also brief discussion regarding a pond. Mr. Ragan reported that he envisioned the amphitheater be surrounded on 3 sides by water with a trail around the backside of the pond, and there was more discussion about a vegetative border and ledge vs. fencing. The pond will function as a fishing and stormwater management area, as well as a nice aesthetic feature. After it was preliminarily decided where all the structures/features would go, Ms. Straus attached them to the map, which was then given to Mr. Ragan to have a schematic diagram prepared for grant application purposes.

On a motion made by Mr. Humkey and seconded by Ms. Steel and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.