Planning Commission Meeting August 13, 2014


The New London Township Planning Regular opened at 7:00 PM.  Present were:  Ronald Ragan, Chair; Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Members, Bob Barto and Charlie Humkey.  The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.


Mr. Ragan asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes for 7/9/14.  Mr. Humkey made a motion to approve the Minutes and Ms. Steel seconded the motion.  Mr. Barto abstained from the vote as he was not in attendance at the 7/9/14 Meeting.

Public Comment


 New Business

Joel Brown – Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan

Mr. Ragan recognized Mr. Brown and distributed his comments to the revised Subdivision Plan (dated 6/16/14).  Mr. Brown is asking for a series of waivers and Mr. Ragan advised that Ken Crossan must add these to the Plan since it is a Preliminary/Final Plan.  Mr. Brown advised that the property is staying in the Agricultural Security Area.  On a Motion made by Mr. Humkey and seconded by Mr. Barto conditioned on the Board of Supervisors granting the waivers listed in Mr. Ragan’s letter dated 7/17/14 and Conservation District Plan approval, Mr. Brown’s Plan was conditionally approved.  The vote was unanimous.

George Duncan – Final Subdivision Plan

Mr. Ragan advised that there is no new construction planned in the Duncan Plan dated 7/9/14.  There was discussion about an easement on the plan that is unrecorded.  Mr. Ragan advised he would research the easement issue further.

Old Business

Refuse & Recycling Ordinance

There was brief discussion about the Recycling Coordinator position and that Sam Wilson no longer wishes to act as Recycling Coordinator.  Mr. Barto reported that he will discuss with the BOS putting together some sort of recognition for Mr. Wilson and his service in the position since 1991.  There was also brief discussion about appointing Mr. Humkey as the new Recycling Coordinator.  Mr. Ragan advised that the Public Education piece needs to be initiated, and that it will be put on the workshop agenda for the 8/28/14.


On a motion made by Ms. Steel and seconded by Mr. Humkey and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.