Planning Commission Meeting December 12, 2012


The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:05 PM.  Present were: Ronald Ragan, Chair; Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Members, Bob Barto, Martha Straus and Charlie Humkey.  The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.


Mr. Ragan asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes for 11/14/12.  After a minor addition was suggested by Ms. Straus, Mr. Barto made a motion to approve the Minutes and Ms. Steel seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.

Public Comment

Gerry Pepper, a homeowner in the Wynstone Subdivision came in requesting a revision of the plan done by Wilkinson Builders, with regard to a few trees that are scheduled to be planted on his lot. Mr. Pepper explained that he is on a corner lot and his property has a bad grade and it has been very challenging mowing and sustaining his lawn.  There are already two (2) trees planted and 2-3 more trees scheduled to be planted and he fears that it will cause more problems.  He is not adverse to the trees being planted elsewhere on his property.  Martha Straus offered her professional opinion as a landscape architect.  The PC members examined the Wynstone Subdivision Plan.  Mr. Ragan suggested clustering the trees down in a corner of the property, and explained that Wilkinson has an obligation to plant a certain amount of trees based on what was on the Subdivision Plan approved by the Township.  Mr. Pepper was agreeable to Mr. Ragan’s suggestion regarding placement of the trees.  Mr. Ragan advised Mr. Pepper needs to get together with Charles Wilkinson and prepare a sketch plan which will then be presented to the PC, then to the BOS for approval.

Old Business

Cook Brothers

Mr. Ragan reported that there is nothing new to report.


Mr. Ragan reported that he spoke with Barry Stingel from Hillcrest who believes his client (Mr. Nichol) may have lost interest in this subdivision.

Public Gathering Ordinance

The most recent draft was distributed along with a memo from Winnie Sebastian with proposed changes that David Sweet needs to incorporate into the ordinance.  Ron will ask David to have final draft including Ms. Sebastian’s comments ready by the January meeting.

Recycling Ordinance

There was brief discussion regarding single hauler v. multiple haulers and Mr. Ragan advised that both pros & cons will be discussed between single haulers and billing through Township taxes or the refuse company, as well as single v. multiple haulers.

Tree Removal

There was brief discussion regarding the Township’s removal of trees from the Township right-of-way.  Mr. Barto suggested preparation of a written plan that is distributed to every crew member involved in removal of trees to ensure everyone in on the same page.


On a motion made by Mr. Barto and seconded by Ms. Straus and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 8:07 pm.