Planning Commission Meeting December 14, 2011

New London Township


The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:02 PM. Present were: Ronald Ragan, Chair; Vice Chairman, Mary Anne Steel; Members, Bob Barto, Charlie Humkey and Martha Straus. The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.



Mr. Barto made a motion to approve the 11/9/11 Minutes, with a minor correction and Mr. Humkey seconded the motion.


Public Comment



Nichol Subdivision

Mr. Ragan reported that Barry Stingel from Hillcrest advised he would not be attending tonight’s meeting.



Sunoco submitted plans, but asked that they be held until the beginning of next year.


Ordinance Amendments


Fences and Walls

Mr. Ragan advised that we need to put setback requirements in place for pool fences, and we need to examine the language in the UCC. Also, Mr. Ragan advised that Trish Fagan also struggles with farmers’ setbacks from the cartway right-of-ways. He suggested we need another section added to apply to agricultural. Mr. Ragan also advised that one thing the Township doesn’t want is the fencing to impinge on the sight triangle on corner lots. Mr. Ragan said that he, David Sweet and Trish Fagan need to go over the UCC and Property Maintenance Code.


Solar & Wind

Mr. Sweet distributed Solar Energy Facilities. He advised that there were only a few changes (regarding professional installation, as well as impervious surface area). There was brief discussion regarding residential, agricultural hybrid and commercial. There was a consensus to take solar farms out of R1 entirely and only allow them in LI. Ms. Straus volunteered to do research regarding solar panel glare. Mr. Ragan suggested researching ordinances or check with manufacturers/vendors. Mr. Sweet will assist by going back to the Economic Development Council. Mr. Sweet then distributed Suggested Additions re: Wind Energy Systems and there was brief discussion regarding noise and “ordinary conversation standards.”


Comprehensive Plan Highlights

The County’s comments consisted mainly of typo corrections; also, the County didn’t like the phrase “create a paralysis of inaction”, so after some discussion, the consensus was to change the phrase to “must not fail to act.” Advertisement requirements were discussed, as well as the next public meeting date (February 2,2012).


On a Motion made by Mr. Barto, seconded by Ms. Steel and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 8:37 pm.