Planning Commission Meeting January 11, 2012




The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:05 PM.  Present were:  Ronald Ragan, Chair; Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Member, Charlie Humkey.  The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.


Mr. Ragan opened the floor for Reorganization.  Mr. Humkey motioned to nominate Mr. Ragan as Chairman and Ms. Steel seconded the motion.  Mr. Humkey nominated Ms. Steel as Vice-Chairman, and Mr. Ragan seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.

Mr. Ragan proposed a motion to keep the meeting days and times the same for 2012 (Regular Meeting-2nd Wednesday, Workshop Meeting-last Thursday of each month at 7:00).  Mr. Humkey motioned to approve the foregoing days/times and Ms. Steel seconded the Motion.   The vote was unanimous.



Mr. Ragan asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes for 12/14/11.  Ms. Steel made a motion to approve the Minutes and Mr. Humkey seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.

Public Comment


Old Business


Tom Davis introduced himself, Lori Petingill and Clayton McCain, representing Sunoco.  There was discussion regarding the Conditional Use Approval that they received in 2009, which has expired.  Sunoco is now asking for the same approval.   Mr. Ragan stated that under the conditions imposed on the Conditional Use Decision, nos. 14 and 15 were items that caused a little concern.  Another issue was the knee wall.  Ms. Petingill stated that safety is the concern and why they would like to keep as much glass on the front of the building as possible.  Mr. Ragan questioned the brick veneer, and would like the knee wall to match.  Sunoco will also use matching block for the retaining wall to keep the color consistent.  The Planning Commission members voted to recommend that the Board of Supervisors grant Conditional Use Approval based upon the conditions listed in the decision from 2009, with modifications to nos. 14 and 15 that Sunoco would only apply if public sewer became available prior to the approval of  the Land Development Plan.



New Business

Henry McKinney Subdivision Plan

Ken Crossan came in to represent Mr. McKinney.  Mr. Crossan gave an overview and reported that he was hired by Henry McKinney to modify lot lines he believes in connection with his father’s Estate, so that lots may be distributed among his siblings.  There are currently three (3) tax parcels involved in this Subdivision and another adjoining parcel that is not to be involved in this Subdivision that is in the name of Henry & Laura McKinney.  The intent is to extinguish the two (2) lot lines along School Road and establish a conforming lot.  Also, a house on the property is to be razed.  Mr. Ragan reported that there are several waivers which he does not oppose; but he expressed concern about rights-of-way and would like a perpetual offer of dedication.  Also, Mr. Ragan advised that a letter will be needed from the Chester County Health Department.

James Nichol Subdivision Plan

Mr. Ragan reported that he spoke to Barry Stingel from Hillcrest and that he would like to come in next month to discuss. New London Township Comprehensive Plan

On a motion by Charlie Humkey, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, a recommendation is made to the Board of Supervisors for adoption of the Comprehensive Plan dated February 2, 2012 at the February 2, 2012 Public Hearing being held at 7:00 PM.


On a motion made by Ms. Steel and seconded by Mr. Humkey and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.