Planning Commission Meeting January 9, 2008


The meeting of the New London Township Planning Commission opened at 7:39 p.m.

Present were:  Ronald Ragan, Chair; Bob Barto, Vice-Chair; Members James Mark, Eileen Sparling, Margaret Healy and Mary Ann Steel.

Mr. Ragan brought the meeting to order at 7:39 and opened the floor for Reorganization.  Ms. Healy nominated Ronald Ragan as Chairman and Eileen Sparling seconded the motion.  Ms. Healy nominated Mr. Barto as Vice-Chairman, and Ms. Steel seconded.

Mr. Ragan proposed motion to keep the meeting days and times the same for 2008.  Ms. Healy asked for clarification.  Meeting days are the 2nd Wednesday and the last Thursday of every month, each starting at 7:30.  Mr. Barto motioned to approve the foregoing days/times and Ms. Steel seconded the Motion.   The vote was unanimous.

A-Plus didn’t get on the Agenda tonight since there was no quorum last month.  Mr. Ragan added them to “New Business” toward the end of the meeting. 

TND Solicitor’s Comments

Mr. Ragan and Tom Comitta are going to exchange emails to determine the best solution to address the Solicitor’s comments.    Mr. Comitta suggests that he make all changes he feels are necessary, then he & Mr. Ragan will discuss, then give draft to Mr. McMichael for his review/comments.  Also Mr. Comitta brought up that the County Grant is about to expire and that he drafted a letter to extend for 6 months, which he emailed to Mr. Ragan.  Alan Love needs clarification that everything that needs to be waived would actually require a variance to go before the ZHB.  Mr. Comitta suggested that a paragraph be put in the Ordinance regarding minor changes; i.e., a list of what would require a variance. 

New LondonVillage – Preliminary Plan Review

Alan Love advised that the Plan was presented to the Board of Supervisors at their last meeting, and that they have conceptually accepted regarding dedication of the park.  The Board likes the park being part of the application.  The Board will look at taking the park and will be responsible for maintenance.  Mr. Love reiterated that the Plan calls for 108 units-44 singles and 64 townhomes.  There will be 407 parking spots which will exceed the requirements for parking spots.  There will be an entrance on State Road and an entrance on Avondale Road.  Alternative parking plans were discussed.  Mr. Ragan suggested a place for bathrooms.  Mr. Love feels that the footbridge should be updated and that existing trees will remain, except for those in the trail area.  Mr. Ragan added that the developer would agree to some amount for long-term maintenance of park.  Mr. Ragan asked about any state regulations (i.e., ADA, drinking fountains, etc.).  Mr. Comitta discussed certain requirements regarding handicapped ramps and wood chip safety zones.  Another issue that was brought up was the possibility of children getting hit by fly balls – Mr. Comitta advised that they designed the play areas as far away from the ball field as possible.  Mr. Love stated that he is hoping for approval in February.

Megill – Matsen –Prelim/Final Plan Review

Jim Fritsch from Regester and Wayne Megill were present.  Mr. Fritsch stated that the property consists of 4 tax parcels and 74.93 acres.  Parcels are located in New London Township and Franklin Township.  Mr. Fritsch stated that the only thing being proposed at this time is to consolidate the existing 4 tax parcels into 2..  Mr. Fritsch advised that they submitted revised plans in response to Mr. Ragan’s letter dated 1/7/08.  Mr. Fritsch went on to say that there are no zoning issues involved, and no construction or earth moving activities, therefore, they are asking for waivers.  Mr. Ragan does not oppose waivers.   Mr. Fritsch advised that 8 monuments will be set at property corners.  Jim requests that the Planning Commission approve and sign the non-building waiver, then forward on to the Board of Supervisors for their signatures and then forward on to DEP.  Mr. Barto asked what the next step would be and Wayne Megill advised that they are purchasing the New London Township property from Matsen.  Mr. Ragan entertained the motion that the Board of Supervisors grant all waivers re:  letter from Regester dated 1/9/08.  The motion was made by Ms. Healy, and Mr. Barto seconded the Motion.  The vote was unanimous.  Regarding the non-building waiver (just reconfiguring the land), Mr. Barto made a Motion to approve, and Ms. Sparling seconded the Motion.  The vote was unanimous.  Regarding the request for conditional approval, Mr. Ragan suggested that he could review and give his answer at next month’s meeting.  Mr. Fritsch presented sketch plans dated 1/9/08.  Mr. Fritsch advised that he checked site distances at both location and that they are more than sufficient.  There will be public water and sewer and that is as far as they’ve gotten.  Mr. Fritsch advised that the lots are 15,000 square feet as required by cluster design; total of 40 lots with a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet.  Mr. Fritsch believes that the sketch plan meets all zoning requirements.  There was a discussion about stormwater management.  Mr. Ragan asked Mr. Megill whether we could use extra drainage area since New London Township is short on land for disposal, and Mr. Megill said he would have no objection to that.  Mr. Ragan said he wants to visit the site and suggested that Mr. Fritsch call him regarding Saturday dates in the future.


John Fellows from McCrone and David Marshall were present.  There was a change in FEMA mapping for floodplain, and they are not sure if remapping is correct.  They have resubmitted for a 2 lot subdivision.  There is no Franklin Township involvement.  One new dwelling unit is being proposed.  Open items were discussed.  Most of the issues had to do with the lot that’s no longer being proposed. Since there is no longer activity being proposed in Franklin Township, they need to be taken off the signature block of the Final Subdivision Plan.  McCrone will get the Maintenance Agreement to Mr. Ragan for his review.  Mr. Ragan advised that the conditions that need to be met before approval would be 1) driveway agreement; 2) primary/secondary septic designs need to be put on Final Subdivision Plan; 3) Franklin Township needs to be taken off of signature block of Final Subdivision Plan; 4) Planning Module needs approval; and 5) a road enhancement agreement pending meeting with Jack Weber.  Mr. Barto made the Motion to Approve conditioned upon the above 5 items, and Ms. Steel seconded the Motion.  All voted in favor of conditional approval, except for Mr. Mark who recused himself from the vote since he’s a neighbor.  


A representative from Bergmann spoke regarding various options.  They are suggesting amendments to NLT Village District Ordinance.  Bergmann believes that in order to proceed with the proposed project, amendments would be necessary and that the first step to alleviating the obstacles presented by the ordinance would be to revise the allowance of retail sale of automotive fuels and make it a permitted use.  Bergmann feels that without the suggested changes or similar changes, their ability to positively develop the site is severely compromised.  Mr. Ragan stated that since the Planning Commission didn’t have a quorum at the 12/12/07 meeting, he would like to get these proposed amendments to David Sweet and at the 1/31/08 meeting, the Planning Commission could make  a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors.  A Motion to pass this on to David Sweet for comments was made by Ms. Sparling, and seconded by Mr. Barto.  The vote was unanimous.


Mr. Ragan asked if there were any corrections or additions to minutes for 10/10/07.  There were no corrections or additions and a motion to approve was made by Ms. Steel and seconded by Ms. Sparling.  The minutes were approved unanimously.

New Business


Public Comments



On a motion made by Ms. Steel and seconded by Ms. Sparling and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.