The meeting of the New London Township Planning Commission opened at 8:55 p.m. Present were: Ronald Ragan, Chair; Bob Barto, Vice-Chair; Members Eileen Sparling & Jack Weber.
Also present was Board of Supervisors Member and Comprehensive Plan Task Force Member Gerard Porter. The minutes were recorded by Trish Fagan. No public comment on Agenda items.
Mr. Barto made a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes for 6/10/09 and Ms. Sparling seconded the motion. Mr. Weber abstained from the vote. The regular meeting minutes were approved and the vote was unanimous. Ms. Sparling made a motion to approve the task force meeting minutes for 6/10/09 and Mr. Barto seconded the motion. Mr. Weber abstained from the vote. The task force minutes were approved and the vote was unanimous. No public comment. There was discussion regarding the Stanwell Tract.
On a motion made by Mr. Weber and seconded by Mr. Barto and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.