Planning Commission Meeting March 9, 2011



The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:03PM. Present were:Ronald Ragan, Chair; Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Members Bob Barto, Charlie Humkey and Peg Healy.The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.


Mr. Barto made a motion to approve the 2/9/11 Minutes and Mr. Humkey seconded the motion.The vote was unanimous.

Public Comment


Mark Subdivision

Jim Mark wants to subdivide; there will be no new development and a shared driveway.Mr. Ragan talked about common drive maintenance.Mr. Ragan suggested that Sam McMichael review and if he approves, Mr. Ragan would recommend execution.There are 5 waivers being requested.Mr. Ragan advised that all are valid waivers.Mr. Ragan advised that there is no Health Dept. involvement since it has existing septic.Ms. Healy made a motion to grant the waivers, conditioned on approval by Mr. McMichael and execution of driveway agreement, and Mr. Barto seconded the Motion.

Yates Subdivision

Mr. Yates resubmitted plans to the Conservation District addressing their comments and sent revised plans to the Planning Commission addressing Mr. Ragan’s comments.They are still working on sight distance calculations, the E&S adequate letter, NPDES, planning module approval for 2 new septic systems.There is a possibility that it may not be ready for next month’s meeting.

General Housekeeping Items

Mr. Ragan advised that the application for park acquisition grant went in on 2/25. The animal ordinance needs to be revised, per Sam McMichael.David Sweet distributed his potential 2011 Task List and Estimate of Cost; there was discussion about a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors to move intensive ag to the top of the list.


On a motion made by Mr. Barto, seconded by Ms. Steel and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.