Planning Commission Meeting May 11, 2011



he New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:03 PM. Present were:Ronald Ragan, Chair; Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Members Bob Barto, Charlie Humkey.The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.

The Board of Supervisors agreed to go with 5 Planning Commission Members until the end of the year, including Martha Straus, in light of Peg Healy’s death.


Mr. Barto made a motion to approve the 4/13/11 Minutes and Ms. Steel seconded the motion.The vote was unanimous.

Public Comment


Cook Brothers Subdivision

Mr. Ragan reported that the Cooks are still addressing a few items in the engineering review letter.

Yates Subdivision

Mr. Ragan distributed the Sewage Planning Module.Mr. Ragan advised that he needs authorization from the Planning Commission to complete the Component 4A form.On a motion made by Ms. Steel, seconded by Mr. Humkey and approved unanimously, approval was given to Mr. Ragan.Mr. Ragan also reported that there is still an issue with sight distance.He advised that at the far east of the property there is an old driveway; if Mr. Yates can tie into it, he feels they can get the necessary sight distance.Mr. Ragan apologized to Mr. Yates for the delay, but explained that the issues holding up the plan are out of the Planning Commission’s hands.

St. John Subdivision

Mr. Ragan distributed his engineering letter and advised he has an open issue of gross and net lot areas being provided on the Plan.The County Planning Commission recommends approval of the plan and Mr. Ragan advised that the Township Planning Commission can now take action on the Plan.Mr. Barto made a Motion for approval on the St. John plan with the waivers stipulated in Section C.1.of Ragan Engineering’s letter dated 5/11/11, and Ms. Steel seconded the Motion.The vote was unanimous.

Old/New Business

Mr. Sweet reported that a municipality can only apply for one VPP Grant at a time, so the County doesn’t recommend that we submit a grant for a National Historic Registry Survey at this time.


The Regular meeting adjourned at: 7:34 p.m.