The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:00 PM. Present were: Ronald Ragan, Chair; Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Members, Bob Barto, Martha Straus and Charlie Humkey. The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.
Mr. Ragan asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes for 10/10/12. After a minor typo was noted, Mr. Humkey made a motion to approve the Minutes and Ms. Steel seconded the motion. Mr. Barto abstained from the vote as he was not in attendance at the 10/10/12 Meeting.
Public Comment
Old Business
Cook Brothers
Mr. Ragan reported that there is nothing new to report.
Mr. Ragan reported that there is nothing new to report.
PECO Green Region Grant Opportunity
David Sweet reported on a conversation he had with Patty Elkis, a representative of the DVRPC regarding tying in to the PECO grant. He advised that Patty is on board to do an open space financial planning presentation. Mr. Sweet and Ms. Straus met regarding the conceptual site plan. The PECO Grant cannot exceed $10,000. Mr. Barto reported that the Board of Supervisors will match up to $10,000. Mr. Sweet advised that the project will exceed $20,000 slightly.
Public Gathering Ordinance
Mr. Sweet distributed the most recent revision, which reflects discussion at the last Planning Commission Meeting as well as Winnie Sebastian’s review, and his attempt to incorporate Ms. Sebastian’s changes. The draft revision was reviewed and there was brief discussion regarding a modest application fee and whether the Board of Supervisors would approve the permits, or whether the permit could state “Board of Supervisors or their designee/agent.” Mr. Ragan suggested the permit be closed after the Township determines that everything is restored. There was a question regarding when the clock starts ticking as far as the permitting process and fines go. Mr. Sweet advised he will have a clean version after he speaks with Ms. Sebastian at the December meeting.
Recycling Ordinance
Mr. Sweet reported that he will compare the ordinance samples received from Nancy Fromnick with the Ken Lomax draft ordinance. Mr. Barto will check with the Board of Supervisors to see what their feeling is regarding single haulers. Also, there was a question regarding registration v. licensing. Mr. Sweet will clarify with Nancy Fromnick.
Tree Removal
A memo from Winnie Sebastian was distributed regarding the authority of the Township to remove trees from the Township right-of-way. There was a question on a section of the Second Class Township code (which was attached to the memo) that appears to not belong. Mr. Sweet will clarify with Ms. Sebastian.
On a motion made by Mr. Humkey and seconded by Ms. Steel and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.