The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:00 PM. Present were:Ronald Ragan, Chair; Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Members, Bob Barto, Martha Straus and Charlie Humkey. The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.
Mr. Ragan asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes for 12/12/12. Mr. Barto made a motion to approve the Minutes and Ms. Steel seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
Public Comment
Old Business
Tom Davis from Bergmann was present at the meeting representing Sunoco/A-Plus. He advised that the only changes were asphalt vs. concrete. There are no proposed changes in impervious area, grading, landscaping, lighting, fencing, trash enclosures, etc. They would like to extend the concrete 4’ on both sides (used to be asphalt). Also, tanks were shifted 2’ closer to the canopy for ease of Sunoco fuel truck loading. Mr. Davis explained that this will increase the turning radius for the Sunoco tractor trailer drivers. Charlie Humkey inquired as to whether there is any asbestos involved and the asbestos report was mentioned briefly. Mr. Davis advised that he doesn’t believe there was any asbestos found, but if there was any, it was very minimal and in that event, they have a remedial program in place. Another proposal involved 4 diesel dispensers instead of 2. Tom advised that this will not have any bearing on the Township, but is dealt with through the Commonwealth. On a motion made by Martha Straus and seconded by Charlie Humkey, approval of the plans is recommended to the Board of Supervisors conditioned on the representation by Tom Davis to the Planning Commission that the only changes to the plan were those described to the Planning Commission by Tom Davis. The vote was unanimous. The Board of Supervisors were in attendance and signed the Plans.
Cook Brothers
Mr. Ragan reported that there is nothing new to report.
Mr. Ragan reported that there is nothing new to report.
Public Gathering Ordinance
Ron Ragan reported that the Board of Supervisors voted to hold a public hearing regarding the Fences & Walls, Solar & Wind and Public Gathering Ordinances at their February 20, 2013 Work Meeting. There was brief discussion as to some perceived contradictory language in the proposed Public Gathering Ordinance. Mr. Ragan advised he will give David Sweet the go-ahead to clean up the font and prepare a clean final version. On a motion made by Martha Straus and seconded by Bob Barto, the recommendation was made to the Board of Supervisors to approve the Public Gathering Ordinance as written with stylistic changes. The vote was unanimous.
PECO Green Region Grant Opportunity
Ron Ragan reported that he will check with David Sweet to ensure that the PECO grant application was submitted.
Act 167
Ron Ragan reported that he has not yet heard back from the County as to the status. He advised that he will make any necessary changes and run it past the Planning Commission since it is mostly stormwater technical information. There was brief discussion regarding the EPA not being able to regulate stormwater as a pollutant.
New Business
Ron Ragan asked if the Planning Commission would like to keep the number of members at 5 or increase the number, and all members agreed to keep it as is. Mr. Ragan advised that he doesn’t feel it is necessary to add more members until and unless plans increase and more work comes into the Township.
On a motion made by Mr. Barto and seconded by Ms. Straus and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 7:47 pm.