The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:00 PM. Present were: Ron Ragan, Chairman; Mary Anne Steel, Vice Chairman; and Members Martha Straus and Lynn Klingensmith. Charlie Humkey did not attend. The minutes were recorded by Secretary Maureen Zdun.
Ron Ragan asked the Planning Commission if there were any additions or corrections to the Minutes. Ron Ragan made a motion, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to approve the June 8, 2016 Minutes. The vote was unanimous.
Riparian Buffer Ordinance
The Planning Commission reviewed the Brandywine Conservancy’s draft Riparian Buffer Ordinance. There was some discussion regarding potential changes to the Draft but not limited to the following:
Page 1 – In the statement under Riparian Buffer Ordinance after the word “including” the words “but not limited to” should be added to the statement.
Page 2 – Section 1-1601, Paragraph 1, b the words “first order streams” should be eliminated.
Page 3 – Section 1-1602, Paragraph 2, Clarify the statement “and research related to”.
Page 4 – Section 1-1604, Can Township limit stream crossing if permitted by DEP.
Page 5 – Section 1-1604, Paragraph 2, b should “road crossings” be moved to Paragraph 1 with the added words “required with appropriate permit”?
Page 6 – Section 1-1605, Paragraph 1, There was some discussion regarding whether the Board of Supervisors would agree to having the riparian buffer ordinances inspected by the Zoning Officer. There is mention of a section “F” but is not seen on the Draft. Where is section “F” located?
Page 7 – No changes.
Page 8 – There was some discussion pertaining to the modification of the set back.
After reviewing the draft Riparian Buffer Ordinance, Ron Ragan advised he would like to invite John Theilacker back to get his in put on the items discussed. Mr. Ragan will provide Mr. Theilacker an advance copy of these points before he comes in front of the Planning Commission.
CFA Grant
Ron Ragan announced to the Planning Commission that the Township was awarded the CFA Grant.
On a motion made by Ron Ragan seconded by Martha Straus and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.