Planning Commission Regular Meeting March 9, 2016



The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:00 PM. Present were: Ron Ragan, Chairman; Mary Anne Steel, Vice Chairman; and Member, Charlie Humkey.   The minutes were recorded by Maureen Zdun.


Ron Ragan asked the Planning Commission if there were any additions or corrections to the Minutes. Charlie Humkey made a motion, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to approve the February 2, 2016 Minutes. The vote was unanimous.

India Imperatore Final Minor Subdivision Plan

Mr. James Fritsch of Regester Associates, Inc. presented the Planning Commission a copy of the revised India Imperatore Final Minor Subdivision Plan dated March 7, 2016, in response to the review letter prepared by Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, dated February 18, 2016. Mr. Fritsch advised that the plan has been revised to remove waivers from the following sections of the New London Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance: Section 2 – 403.C, 2 – 403.D.3, 2 – 403 .D.4, 2 – 403.F, 2 – 404.G, 2-404.H, 2-405 and 2 – 406. He advised that the recommended waiver from Section 2 – 503.12 has been added to the plan. There was some discussion regarding the Plan.

On a Motion made by Mary Anne Steel, seconded by Charlie Humkey, the New London Planning Commission recommends to the Board of Supervisors to approve the India Imperatore Final Minor Subdivision Plan on condition that an Easement Agreement be submitted, reviewed, and found to be satisfactory by the Township Solicitor. The vote was unanimous.

New London Township Park

There was some talk regarding the Planning Commission contacting prospective candidates who would be interested in the position to act as Chairman and to help form the New London Township Park Committee. The Planning Commission would like to hold interviews for said position at the April 13, 2016 Regular Meeting.

Other Business

Ron Ragan advised the Planning Commission that he spoke with Township Consultant David Sweet and that Mr. Sweet will have the latest revised versions of the New London Township Zoning Ordinances: R – 1 and R -2 Consolidation: Possible Components and Proposed Deletion of RA District and Related Changes at the March 31, 2016 Work Meeting. These Ordinances should be ready for the Planning Commission to make a motion to the Board of Supervisors to approve the Ordinances for Advertising and for a public hearing.

There was some discussion regarding a New London Township Clean Up Day. It was agreed that Charlie Humkey would contact the Township trash and recycling haulers to inquire if they would donate a dumpster for this event.

Chairman Ron Ragan advised that he will not be attending the March 31, 2016 Work Meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.