Planning Commission Regular Meeting October 14, 2015

The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:00 PM. Present were: Ron Ragan, Chairman; Mary Anne Steel, Vice Chairman; and Member, Charlie Humkey, Lynn Klingensmith, and Martha Straus. The minutes were recorded by Maureen Zdun.


Mr. Humkey made a motion, seconded by Lynn Klingensmith, to approve the July 8, 2015 Minutes. Martha Straus abstained.

Miscellaneous Ordinance Amendments

Ron Ragan reviewed David Sweet’s Agenda and advised that the following ordinances are waiting to be adopted. They are 1) Adopt An Official Map, 2) Second Dwelling Unit, 3) Non – residential open space / fee in lieu requirements, and 4) The Village Extension deletion.

Landscaping – Martha Straus addressed the Commission and advised that she met with David Sweet regarding the Landscaping Ordinance. It was agreed to use the Londonderry Landscape Ordinance as a template. David Sweet will review and incorporate any changes.

Timbering Ordinance – There was some discussion among the Planning Commission regarding the current Timbering Ordinance.


Other Business

Camp Spookinaw – Since this is an annual event, the Planning Commission discussed the possibility of adding a provision to the ordinance for annual events to have an abbreviated permit process to reduce the amount of paperwork.


New London Township Park

Ron Ragan advised the Planning Commission that the township has still not heard from the DCNR or DCED regarding the grants.


Meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM.