The New London Township road contractor makes every effort to clean snow in a timely manner. Main roads are plowed first. Potentially dangerous areas such as bridges, curves, and steep hills are also addressed first. A single pass will be made on side streets to keep them open. Clean up will be done after the snow stops falling.
Here are some tips to help with snow removal
- Make sure your mailbox is four to six inches behind the curb or edge of the road and at least four feet in height. Plowing operations can force snow against a mailbox. Take time to make sure your mailbox is sturdy enough for the weight of the snow being pushed from a plow. The Township is not responsible for damage from the weight of snow being moved from the road.
- Trim any tree branches hanging over the road. Most Township trucks are in excess of 12 feet in height and must get close to the edge of the road to properly clear the snow. If the branches are not trimmed this could affect how close the plow can get to the side of the road.
- Install reflective driveway markers to help plow drivers avoid damage to your property. If your property does not have a curb or other method to mark the edge of your property, reflective driveway markers are available at most home repair stores.
- Avoid parking on the roads until they are cleared. Vehicles parked on the roadway make it difficult for the snow plow operator to plow the snow. Keeping vehicles off the road decreases your chances of your vehicle being damaged.
- Avoid the second shovel. Clearing an area to the right of your driveway gives the snow a place to go on other than your driveway while the snow plow makes it pass.
To report any problems or damage, after the roads have been plowed, please contact the Township Road Master, Gerry Porter, at 610-869-8658.